DRI is proud to announce its brand-new, can't-miss workshop, Mindfulness Practices to Improve Incident Management!
During a disruptive event, stress levels rise and cognitive functioning decreases, making team communication and optimal decisions extremely difficult. Mindfulness can help resilience professionals lead recovery efforts in the midst of many unknown and ever-changing circumstances. This workshop will train professionals to leverage mindfulness tools to optimize incident management and lead to a smooth and prompt recovery.
At the end of this workshop, you should be able to:
1. Familiarize yourself with the definition and key benefits of a regular mindfulness practice
2. Understand the scientific research behind mindfulness
3. Identify the most common decision-making traps recovery teams tend to fall into during a disruptive event
4. Leverage mindfulness tools to improve incident management
5. Integrate mindfulness practices into an existing Business Continuity Management (BCM) exercise and training program aligned with FEMA's Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) framework
6. Pass the 20-question multiple-choice question exam
Mindfulness Practices to Improve Incident Management (BCP MND)
June 7, 2021, On the Web
Mindfulness Practices to Improve Incident Management (BCP MND)
Sept. 20, 2021, On the Web
Mindfulness Practices to Improve Incident Management (BCP MND)
Dec. 6, 2021, On the Web
DRI Resilience Excellence Summit - Workshop Spotlight: Mindfulness to Improve Incident Management
You can learn more about the course from its recent spotlight at the DRI Resilience Excellence Summit from course instructor Karina de Allicon - watch this short video
DRI Certified Professionals can receive eight CEAPs upon completion toward recertification.
If you have any questions, you may contact us at driinfo@drii.org or call (866) 542-3744.
Schedule Online Group Training for Your Work-From-Home Team
Our training supports your program development, team building and awareness efforts. With many of your organization's staffers working from home, we can provide online group training to help build their skills and be prepared for upcoming challenges. Contact Russell Wooldridge, Senior Director of Business Development, for more information at 240-486-5371 or rwooldridge@drii.org.
DRI International | 866-542-3744 | driinfo@drii.org | www.drii.org